Chamber of Carmmerce News
Good friends of ours Cat La Munyan & Carl La Munyan were at a Marriott in Charlotte North Carolina and the below truck along with their cars were stolen. All of our Leadfooters in the Charlotte area, if you have...
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Comedy returns to Lead Foot City with one of the NY Kings of Comedy... NyKingtalent Harris Featuring Comedians Rahn Hortman Comedy & Stephen Henry Brought to you by Los Entertainment & Jimmy Love Narvaez Sr. Get your Tickets today...
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Live Stream on YouTube. Demolition begins at Lead Foot City, watch here…
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We're Baaaaack!!!! We are still working on our construction projects, but we missed everyone!!! So we can't wait to see you at our upcoming events. To honor our Veterans on Veteran's Day, we have an amazing night planned!!! America is...
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We hope everyone had a great start to their week!!!
#leadfootcity #allthingsautomotive #mondayvibes #MondayMood
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