Have you been thinking about entering your ride into a car show but have...

Have you been thinking about entering your ride into a car show but haven't had the chance to yet? Bring it out next Saturday to Speedster Easter! It's free to enter and they'll be trophies for the winners so it's a win win. With so many categories there's something for all kinds of vehicles!
We'll also be doing a trunk hop as part of the show, so please bring out a couple of unopened bags of individually wrapped candy to give out to kids who are following along the bunny trail.
Trophies will be awarded in each of the following categories:
Best of Show
Best Decorated
Bunny's Choice
People's Choice
Bikers Best
Best Hot Rod
Best Truck
Best Modified
Best Jeep
Best Stock Original
Hope you can make it can out for what's sure to be a fun day and great car show! To register for the car show head over to https://bit.ly/3LPlAm5